Armed Forces Page
11-9-05: We are doing fine on this side of the world. Temperature has finally dropped from 120 to 80. The days are great. We have been conducting some mission, but rarely have time to stop and take some pics. After our last mission we said we were going to take some pics, but never got around to it. I managed to squeeze some in though.

My ride to work a couple of days ago... don't worry we used the carpool lane. Ha Ha.

Myself and spotter, pulling security for the guys on the raid.

Platoon picture at the international zone in Baghdad.

Just came back from a 24 hour mission.

Overwatch position during a raid....
11-4-05 We have also been busy with the loss of more soldiers. Just last week we lost our company commander. A few minutes later we lost our battalion commander. I think that is the highest ranking soldier that has died in Iraq. 2 days later we conducted an air assault mission, and as soon as we got off the helicopters we heard an explosion. There we lost another Captain and a soldier. We are moving on though.
10-20-05 Let me tell you shit has been crazy over here. I have seen so much action in 2 days. I finally got to shoot. I had to engage with my 50 caliber sniper rifle. This rifle is no joke. I think one of these rounds can take your leg off. It was some crazy stuff. We did an air assault mission in this crazy town. I was providing sniper overwatch. During that time I was shot at, but I don't think the rounds came close enough, I had to fire back, then we had the apache helicopters firing over us in the same direction. After that we were mortared, they landed about 200 meters from us. From there called the helicopters to pick us up and went home. The next day we were on patrol... we happened to dismount in the wrong place. My friend yelled.. IED!!! That means roadside bomb. We all ran and got our distance. We ran in the right direction, but the other part of the patrol ran in to another IED. They had to move back even farther. We called the bomb squad and secured the area. I was providing sniper overwatch again on a rooftop, someone shot at us again from long distance. This time we could hear the rounds wheezing by. Bomb squad came on blew up the bombs, I took pics and video. We were very lucky the bombs did not go off. I was riding rear passenger seat, well that's the side that the bomb was on. I don't know if the insurgent fell asleep or what? Thank god we are all still here.